Shared Hosting (Plesk)

A hosting service tailored to every need

Hosting Basic Hosting Professional Hosting Enterprise
Price €140,00 EUR Annually €250,00 EUR Annually €490,00 EUR Annually
Shared Hosting (Plesk)
Main features
Migration included (Max 2 hours) (Max 5 hours) (Max 10 hours)
+ PageSpeed Boost
Web + Database space (SSD NvME)
Overuse policy = alert
5GB 10GB 30GB
Ideal traffic
Overuse policy = alert
20GB/month 40GB/month 100GB/month
WP / Joomla / Drupal / SEO Toolkit
Plesk panel +
Firewall / ImunifyAV+ / Monitoring
Wordpress plugins included Caching, GDPR/Cookie, Multilingual, Image optimization, and much more! Caching, GDPR/Cookie, Multilingual, Image optimization, and much more! Caching, GDPR/Cookie, Multilingual, Image optimization, and much more!
See the full offer
Register / Transfer base domain
Domains included 1 1 1
Subdomains included 3 10
DNS and Redirect Management
Included 8GB mailboxes 1 3 5
Webmail / Antivirus / Antispam
PEC on-demand on-demand on-demand
Configuration + Migration Support
See full e-mail offer
Performance and speed
Dedicated CPUs 1 2
Dedicated RAM 1GB 4GB
Memory Limit 256MB 512MB 1024MB
PHP processes (max children) 8 16 32
Max Execution Time 60 seconds 120 seconds 300 seconds
PHP Cache (Opcache)
HTTP Cache
(Varnish / Elastic Search / Redis)
on-demand on-demand
HTTP / 2
SSL / TLS / https certificates
External SSL / TLS Certificate Installation
Daily backup / on-demand backup
Data Replication and Disaster Recovery
IPS / Web Application Firewall
Developer Tools
Custom PHP settings
PHP multi-version support
Staging / Development Environment
+1 click clone
Cron Jobs
FTP / SFTP accesses 1 3 unlimited
phpMyAdmin / Web File Manager
Advanced tracking tools
Uptime status monitoring
Online reputation check on-demand scheduled monitoring
Web performance monitoring scheduled monitoring scheduled monitoring + 2 hours of consultancy for optimizing website speed scheduled monitoring + 5 hours of consultancy for optimizing website speed
Web Analytics
Web Statistics (Awstats / Webalizer)
Webmaster Tools (Google Search Console)
Quick Ticket Management
WhatsApp Business
Multichannel Contact Center / Phone
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